Publishing Policy

Open minded, open review, open access, open all the way!

While we encourage editors to adopt our innovative open access publishing model, we do understand if editors prefer a more classic way of handling manuscripts, provided that editors seek a high quality in research publications. Whether editors wish to adopt our model or not is their decision and only theirs!

In any case our general publication guidelines are as below:

Authors should

  • submit an original contribution not previously published and not being considered elsewhere;

  • include an abstract of less than 200 words and 4 to 6 keywords;

  • include the first name, surname, affiliation, email address of all contributors, and ORCID if any;

  • be consistent in using either British or American English spelling;

  • follow APA 6th edition style for references in text and in list;

  • use no more than a 3-level heading format;

  • include permission to reproduce other copyrighted materials;

  • include high quality images (if any) with a minimum width of 1600 pixels;

  • include tables (if any) in editable format;

  • not exceed the number of words including abstract and references (appendices, if any, are published in a separate file online only), as decided by the editorial board;

  • save their manuscript as .doc, .docx, or .odt only (PDFs are not accepted).

Editorial team should

  • work in close collaboration with the publisher;

  • select and allocate reviewers for submitted and invited papers;

  • help authors respond to reviewers’ and editors’ comments;

  • select papers for the volume on the basis of peer reviews, appropriateness, and overall quality;

  • notify authors regarding acceptance/rejection/revision and resubmission decisions;

  • check reference appropriateness and edit the text as needed;

  • write an introduction to the book project;

  • assist the publisher in preparing the manuscript;

  • send accepted manuscripts to the publisher;

  • check the publisher’s proofs.

Publisher will

  • screen the manuscripts for similarity (using CrossCheck powered by iThenticate);

  • copy edit and proofread the manuscripts;

  • send a proof copy of the manuscript (pdf file) to the first author and editorial team for final approval;

  • ask all authors to e-sign a statement of responsibility in the manuscript;

  • ask all authors to e-sign a contributor agreement;

  • publish the articles under a CC licence, copyright remains with authors;

  • assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each article, so that it uniquely identifies the content item and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet;

  • host the publication on its website, other repositories being more than welcome;

  • make all articles freely available online (Gold Open Access) as pdf format, for anybody to read, download, and copy provided that the authors, editors, and publisher are properly cited;

  • index the publication in Google Books, Google scholar, CrossRef database, ERIC (if publication is relevant to education and written in English), Internet Archive; other free and fully open indexing solutions being currently considered.

In case of paperback publication, the publisher will also:

  • provide other formats such as epub (DRM free), and paperback (print on demand, if size requirements are met) on and Amazon;

  • catalogue the publication with British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data;

  • send the publication to the Legal Deposit Office in France at La Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF).

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